How to Make an Ipad Holder for the Car
Nowadays you can do nearly everything on a tablet. Not only can you play games, use apps to increase productivity, but many even watch movies and TV shows on their Ipads. In fact, my stats so nearly 40% of you are reading this post on your Ipad or tablet. Well today I am going to show you how to make a really simple Ipad holder to put on your headrest for the kiddos to watch movies during those summer road trips.

6" of 1/4″ elastic
15" of 1″ elastic
a fat quarter
cardboard cut to 9 ½"x 7"
sewing machine and coordinating thread
rotary cutter and mat or scissors
2 pieces out of your fabric that are 10"x8"
2 pieces of the same fabric 3 ½"x 3 ½"
2 pieces of the ¼" elastic into 3" pieces (more than you'll need)
1 piece of 1" elastic that is 15"
1 piece of cardboard 9 ½"x7"
1. Take the 3 ½"x 3 ½" pieces and fold them into triangles, wrong sides facing and press.
2. Sew these triangles in the bottom left and right corners of one of your 10"x8" pieces along a 10" side.
3. Take the ¼" elastic pieces and sew them in place along the top left and right corners measuring 2" from the corner along the top and sides.
4. Take the 15" piece of 1" elastic and sew in place in the very center of both 8" sides of the rectangle (reinforce stitches since there will be a lot of stretch on these).
5. Sew front and back pieces together with right sides facing, along bottom and both sides, leaving the entire top unsewn.
6. Turn right side out and press.
7. Turn the open edges along the top, under ¼" and press.
8. Insert the cardboard (it should be a perfect fit with a little room to spare to sew shut).
9. Pin the pressed edges together, covering the cardboard and sew across. I did the triangles along the bottom edge instead of elastic because this will be holding the bulk of the weight of the IPad and I therefore wanted this to be stronger than a ¼" elastic would be. I didn't do all 4 corners as triangles because I wanted to be able to insert the IPad into the triangles first and then stretch the top elastics to fit over the it instead of stretching out all 4 triangles each time I wanted to get it in and out.
**Another idea I had was you can leave the holder in place even while the iPad isn't in it and then insert a mirror for baby to check himself out!
Insert your Ipad in and attach it to your headrest in your mommy van.
Stretch the 1" elastic over the headrest and let your kids enjoy the movie.
If the car you have just isn't the right fit then you might be better off selling it. If you decide to sell it you can contact a company like Junk That Car who will take the car in any condition.
How to Make an Ipad Holder for the Car